

Querying retrieves data (read access). Batching of multiple queries is not supported with this API. To modify data or perform operations @see Mutation defintion.

As of GraphQL nature, for each query you need to specify fields returned. To make this simpler you may use predefined fragments of data (default datasets) which honor the _<ObjectName> convention. You may combine predefined fragments with specific field enumeration in your queries. @see fragments.graphql

You may need to distinguish between cursors i.e. pageable lists of items (SomeobjectList objects) returned and simple sets of items (array of objects). General rule is that lists are used for 'content generated by public' and are retrieved by getObjectList queries, simple sets are used for 'items created/managed by administrator' and retrieved by listObjects calls.

Please note for cursors you may not request more than 30 items at once (i.e. page size is limited to max. 30 items).

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Query {
  • # Simple greeting method to test request validity, syntax or response
  • # processing.
    Says Hello to whomever you like.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # name: whom to greet
  • hello(name: String): String
  • # Lists orders. Please note the returned type is pageable list.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # lang_code: language
  • # status: order status ID
  • # newer_from: new orders received from
  • # changed_from: orders changed from
  • # params: pagination and filtering parameters
  • # filter: mass order filter available only with partner token
  • getOrderList(
  • lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2,
  • status: Int,
  • newer_from: DateTime,
  • changed_from: DateTime,
  • params: OrderParams,
  • filter: OrderFilter
  • ): OrderList
  • # Retrieve detailed information about specific order. Use '_Order' fragment to
  • # retrieve default set of information.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # order_num: order's evidence number
  • getOrder(order_num: String!): Order
  • # Preinvoice list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # company_id:
  • # params:
  • # filter: usage of mass preinvoice filter requires 'partner
  • # token'
  • getPreinvoiceList(
  • company_id: ID,
  • params: OrderParams,
  • filter: PreinvoiceFilter
  • ): PreinvoiceList
  • # Invoice list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # company_id:
  • # params:
  • # filter: usage of mass invoice filter requires 'partner token'
  • getInvoiceList(
  • company_id: ID,
  • params: OrderParams,
  • filter: InvoiceFilter
  • ): InvoiceList
  • # Invoice detail
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # invoice_num:
  • getInvoice(invoice_num: String!): Invoice
  • # Product list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # lang_code: Products for language version
  • # params: Params
  • # filter: mass product filter available only with partner
  • # tokenfilter
  • getProductList(
  • lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2!,
  • params: ProductParams,
  • filter: ProductFilter
  • ): ProductList
  • # Product detail
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # product_id: internal product id
  • # lang_code: language code - if omitted, product details of main
  • # system language version are provided
  • # import_code: import code from supplier or data source
  • # ean: gets product detail by EAN
  • getProduct(
  • product_id: ID,
  • lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2,
  • import_code: String,
  • ean: Ean
  • ): Product
  • # Product XML feed url. Contains products and their final prices
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # lang_code: language_code
  • # type: feed type product or availability
  • getFeedUrl(lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2!, type: FeedType!): Url
  • # Category detail
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # category_id: internal product id
  • # productListParams: params filter and pagination for products in
  • # this category
  • getCategory(category_id: ID, productListParams: ProductParams): Category
  • # List of warehouse items with change of blocking and total quantity in stock
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # changed_from: search for stock items changed since
  • # params:
  • getWarehouseItemsWithRecentStockUpdates(
  • changed_from: DateTime!,
  • params: WarehouseItemParams
  • ): WarehouseItemList
  • # Invoicing company
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • # name:
  • # company_id:
  • listMyCompanies(id: ID, name: String, company_id: String): [InvoicingCompany]
  • # Order statuses list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # lang_code: gets order statuses translated for specified
  • # language version
  • # only_active: pass TRUE to ignore statuses managed by inactive
  • # paygates
  • listOrderStatuses(
  • lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2,
  • only_active: Boolean
  • ): [OrderStatus]
  • # Warehouse status list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # allow_order:
  • # pickup:
  • # lang_code:
  • listWarehouseStatuses(
  • allow_order: Boolean,
  • pickup: Boolean,
  • lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2
  • ): [WarehouseStatus]
  • # Producer list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # search: search string for filter
  • listProducers(search: String): [Producer]!
  • # Shipping list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # lang_code: shippings belonging to specified language version
  • # only_active:
  • listShippings(lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2!, only_active: Boolean): [Shipping]!
  • # Payment list
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # lang_code: payment ways belonging to specified language version
  • # only_active:
  • listPayments(lang_code: CountryCodeAlpha2!, only_active: Boolean): [Payment]!
  • # Currencies definition
  • listCurrencies: [Currency]!
  • # Language version list
  • listLanguageVersions: [LanguageVersion]!
  • }

link Require by

This element is not required by anyone